Holiday Busking raised funds for local primary school

Despite the howling wind, the Blue Mountains Buskers performed 2 x 10 minute sets, raising money to be donated to North Katoomba Public School’s community development fund, which assists disadvantaged families to meet the cost of school excursions, camps and other activities for their children. 

An additional $50 was later donated by my mum Vilma, making the grand total $133.35, which our treasurer, “Tessa” will be giving to the school this Thursday.

It was a positive experience to air some of the ensemble pieces we’ve been working on. Thanks to everyone involved. 

This was a voluntary holiday extra, but I hope many more students from our studio will get the opportunity to try busking next time.


From Left: Caeden, Sam, Rosie, Lucy, Joe, Mare, Tessa, Margot