How Playing Music Benefits Your Brain More than Any Other Activity by Maria Popova “Playing music is the brain’s…
Thrilled to announce our first Adult’s Group Session will take place in Leura on Sunday 22nd February at 11:30am. What will…
GRAND FINAL RESULTS FOR WHOLE 21 DAYS: Well done to everyone who participated. There is not one student who hasn’t improved…
It’s truly satisfying, as teachers, to see so many students putting the time into the violin (and cello). Melanie and…
For more pics see
This was at Crown Casino’s Palladium Ballroom, 800 people. To see more pics from this event, see
Leading places for Week 2. The results are: Position: Name: Days of…
Melanie and I saw some outstanding progress from students who tried their best to practice well this week. We want to…
Here’s a link to a playlist of tranquil violin music. We could do worse than emulating this guy – he…
The real reward of regular practice is how much you improve…. however, let’s have some fun, get some incentive and…
Be rewarded for practicing every day! Terms: practice every day for the next 14 days (until your lesson on the…
Angie & Gab introduced me to this site after their last violin lesson: The concept is creating music (with…
Written by: blog 9/02/2014 3:24 PM If your child loves to practice, and never has to be…
click on image to enlarge
It’s a busy time of year! Since returning from Boston I’ve performed at some diverse & prestigious events with Strings…